18. 10. 2015.

l'amore a Venezia


Šteta samo što nismo imali sunce, a sve ostalo je bilo savršeno. Venecija, grad sa hiljadu priča i tajni. Držati ruku svoje ljubavi i hodati uskim ulicama ovog grada je neprocjenjivo. Mostovi, gondole, more i istorija. Venecija vidimo se opet sigurno!

Too bad only because we did not have the sun, and everything else was perfect. Venice, a city with a thousand stories and secrets. Hold hands with my love and walk the narrow streets of this city is priceless. Bridges, gondolas, sea and history. Venice see you again for sure!


4. 10. 2015.

... on the rocks

Ova godina je bila savršena. Skoro čitavo ljeto sam provela na moru. Za osobu koja obožava sunce, kupanje i sunčanje ne postoji bolji odmor. Danas je kod nas sunčan dan, pa sam odlučila da objavim jedan set fotografija koje su snimljene rano u jutro na moru, upravo zato se sunce vidi u pozadini a fotografije su blago zatamljene. Sviđa mi se ova kombinacija crvenog bikinija i crnobijele košulje. A Vama?

This year has been perfect. Almost all summer I spent at sea. For a person who loves the sun, swimming and sunbathing, there is no better vacation. Today is a sunny day in our country, so I decided to publish a set of photographs taken in the early morning at sea, that is reason why the sun is in the background and pictures are slightly darkened. I like this combination of red bikini and black and white shirt. And you?

29. 9. 2015.

Simple but effect

I love this skirt, so a simple form, but print gives a special effect. This combination is perfect to me. Nothing much but still enough.

22. 9. 2015.

Cruising the Aegean Sea

Jedan savršen dan. Citav dan na brodu, bez gužve, bez talasa, bez algi. Tako romantično i avanturistički. :) <3 
Kosa mi je haos, ali tamo vjetar duva 24/7 i nemoguće je imati savršenu frizuru. Plaže koje smo obišli imaju tirkizno plavo more, šarene ribice i jedini pristup do njih je brodom. Jeiiii!
Ja i moja ljubav smo uživali a vi ne zaboravite prokomentarisati kako vam se sviđaju fotografije. Love Di :*

One perfect day. All day on the boat, no crowds, no waves, no seaweed. So romantic and adventurous. :) <3
My hair was a mess, but there wind blows 24/7 and it is impossible to have a perfect hairstyle. The beaches we visited have a turquoise blue sea, colorful fish and the only access to it is by boat. Yippee! I and my love have enjoyed and you do not forget to comment on how you like the photos. Love Di: *

20. 9. 2015.

The hammock

Ah, ponovo kiša! Nažalost. Da bi popravila raspoloženje ovog kišnog dana odlučila sam da pogledam slike koje su fotografisane ovog ljeta. Kako volim ovu mrežu za ležanje,  idealna je uživanje i opuštanje. Kako se vama dopada? 

Ah, the rain again! Unfortunately. To improve the mood of a rainy day, I decided to look at images that were photographed this summer. How I love this hammock, it is ideal to enjoy and relax. How do you like it?

16. 9. 2015.

Bird island, Kuşadası

Da, da, čuveno ostrvo ptica, Kušadasi. Konačno sam vidjela kruzere (ali one prave, velike :P ) u svoj svojoj veličanstvenosti. Ih, ja ću definitivno jednom na krstarenje sa tim moćnim "mini gradovima". Eto par sličica iz glavne luke Kušadasija, mi smo usput probali Starbuks i uživali u pogledu i utisku koji se stvarno treba doživjeti. 

Yes, yes, the famous bird island, Kuşadası. Finally I saw the cruisers (but those real, big one :P ) in all its glory. Ih, I will definitely once sail with this powerful "mini-cities". There's a few photos from the main port of Kusadasi, by the way we tried Starbuks and enjoyed the view and the feeling that should be experienced in live.


12. 9. 2015.



Predvečerje i more = savršen zalazak sunca. Još tada sam znala da će mi baš ti tenutci najviše nedostajati. Čitanje knjige uz šum valova i zalazak sunca, pa može li bolje?

The early evening and sea = perfect sunset. Even then I knew that  I will miss just that moment the most. Book, the sounds of waves and the sunset, could it be better?

6. 9. 2015.


Za osobu poput mene, koja obožava istoriju i koja se divi drevnim civilizacijama, posjeta Efesu je bila nešto magično. Hodati ulicama kroz koje je hodala Kleopatra, Aleksandar Veliki, Marko Antonije i još mnogo velikana tog doba, za mene je značilo mnogo. Pretpostavljam da većina vas zna za Efes, ali toliko toga ima tamo za vidjeti. Pored Efesa posjetili smo i kuću Djevice Marije, svete izvore i zid sa željama. Jednostavno nismo željeli da propustimo taj drevni dio Turske. Predivno iskustvo koje preporučujem svakome. Di   <3

For a person like me, who loves history and that admires ancient civilizations, visit Ephesus was something magical. Walk the streets through which was walked Cleopatra, Alexander the Great, Mark Antony and more greats of that time, for me it meant a lot. I suppose most of you know for Ephesus, but there's so much there to see. Besides Ephesus we visited  the house of the Virgin Mary, holy sources and the wall with the wishes. We just did not want to miss this ancient part of Turkey. Wonderful experience that I recommend to everyone. Di   <3

31. 8. 2015.

Soleil Otel

Razlog mog nejavljanja i moje neažurnosti je čisto tehničke prirode. Nadam se da ćete imati razumijevanja, jer sam par sedmica provela u Turskoj a laptop mi se tamo pokvario :/. Ali to nije razlog da svoje utiske i fotografije u narednih par dana nepodijelim sa Vama. Na slikama iznad se vidi bašta hotela u kom smo odsjeli. Danas mi je bio prvi radni dan nakon odmora i već mi fali more.

The reason for my bad answer and my tardiness is purely of a technical nature. I hope you will understand, because I spent a few weeks in Turkey and my laptop broke down there :/. But I'll try make it up  and in the next couple of days share with you my impressions and photos from Turkey. In the pictures above you can see garden of the hotel where we were staying. Today was the first working day after the holiday, and already I miss the sea.