28. 6. 2015.

Summer is here

Žao mi je zbog lošeg abdejta ali imala sam dosta obaveza ovih dana. Ljeto je tuuu... Nema sretnije osobe od mene. Jedna super stvar koju sam otkrila na netu i kojom sam oduševljena je ova super cool teglica. Naravno, nije poenta u samoj teglici, nego u onome što je u njoj :D. Voda sa ledom u ove tople ljetne dane može biti samo savršenija ako joj dodate voće. Ja sam stavila dinju, kivi i banane, često kombinujem i sa lubenicom. Kakva osvježenja vi koristite ovih dana?  Love Di

I'm sorry for the bad updates, but I had a lot of commitments these days. Summer is here ... There are no happier person than I am. One cool thing I found on the net and that I am thrilled, this super cool jar. Of course, the point is not in the jar, but in what is in it :D. Water with ice in the warm summer days can only be more perfect if you add fruit. I put the melon, kiwi and bananas, and often combine with watermelon. What kind of refreshments you are using these days? Love Di

6 коментара :

  1. Kod mene je kiša svih ovih dana, ne osećam leto. Slike su odlične! :)

    smoothieglam.blogspot.com Objavila sam novi post :)

  2. That drink looks so good!
    Thanks for your lovely words on my last post!

    Have a great day,

  3. Fabulous post

    Love Vikee
