26. 4. 2015.

Kraljevsko selo Kotromanićevo

Ja i moj momak obožavamo rustične stvari. Ne znam zašto ali uvijek radije odaberemo neki bungalov u etno selu nego hotelsku sobu. Za ovo etno selo ne znam šta bi rekla osim PREDIVNO... U sklopu ponude su bile i kraljevske odore, što naravno nismo mogli zaobići :D :D Mislim da nema potrebe za dalje objašnjavanje, pogledajte slike :) :)

Me and my boyfriend adore rustic things. I do not know why but I always prefer to choose a bungalow in ethno village than a hotel room. For this ethno village I do not know what to say except WONDERFUL ... As part of the offer were the royal robes, which of course we could not escape: D: D I think there is no need for further explanation, see photos :) :)


22. 4. 2015.

I don't do morning

Evo jedan malo opušteniji outfit, savršeno ide uz ove predivne proljetne dane :D... A majica sa natpisom nažalost opisuje mojih par poslednjih dana. Kako na poslu moram biti elegantno obučena, nekako u slobodno vrijeme biram ovako totalno opuštenu varijantu. Nadam se da vam se sviđa. Pusa Di

Here's a little more relaxed outfit, perfectly goes with this beautiful spring days :D... T-shirt with the inscription describes unfortunately my last few days. Because at work I have to be elegantly dressed, somehow leisure choose this totally relaxed variant. I hope you like it. Kisses Di

16. 4. 2015.

The Liebster Award

Jao, kako sam se obradovala, kada sam čula da sam nominovana za Liebster Award. To je samo dokaz da je ovo što radim ispravno i da se trebam još truditi da unaprijedim i poboljšam svoje postove. Upravo zato cijenim sve kritike a naravno i pohvale koje mi uputite. Divan dan  ❤ 

Alas, I was really happy when I heard that I was nominated for the Liebster Award. This is just proof that this is what I'm doing right and that I should still strive to improve and enhance the performance of your posts. That is why I appreciate all the criticism and of course compliments that you make. Beautiful day ❤

Naravno da se zahvalim Loreni za nominaciju. Obavezo pogledajte njen blog Rouge Lips Girl, baš je super. Ima super outfit postova :) 

Of course I have to thank Lorena (click on her name) which nominated me. See her blog, it's beautiful. You can find a very nice outfit posts on her blog Rouge Lips Girl


Ova nagrada je formirana za nove i blogere početnike koji imaju do 200 pratilaca. To je jedan od savršenih načina da se otkriju, prezentuju i unaprijede drugi blogeri.

This award is designed for new and upcoming blogger who have under 200 followers. It's such a great way to help us new blogs grow and discover other blogs.

1. Neophodno je objaviti link osobe koja te nominovala.
2. Odgovori na 11 pitanja osobe koja te nominovala.
3. Nominujte 11 blogera koji imaju manje od 200 pratilaca. Nominujte osobe za koje ste ubijeđeni da to zaslužuju.
4. Kreiraj novih 11 pitanja za blogere koje si ti nominovao. Obavijesti osobe koje nominuješ.


1. What made you want to start a blog?

Ja sam osoba koja obožava modu, šoping, putovanja i fotografisanje. Jednostavno ako mi se svidi neki određen momenat ja ga moram zabilježiti. Vodeći se time otkrila sam par blogera koje sam svakodnevno pratila i pitala se zašto nemam ja blog. Uz nagovor meni dragih osoba prije samo par mjeseci pokrenula svoj blog i zahvaljujući njima stvarno uživam u svom novom hobiju. 
I am a person who loves fashion, shopping, travel and photography. Simply if I like a certain moment I have to record it. In line with this, I discovered a couple of bloggers that I follow every day and wondered why I don't have a blog 
as well
. With the support of loved ones, just a few months ago I started my own blog and thanks to them I really enjoy my new hobby.

2. What things has the blog brought you or what have you learnt thanks to it?

Zahvaljujući novom hobiu upoznala sam dosta različitih, novih kultura i stilova. Konstantno istražujem šta je novo u svijetu mode i imam želju da unaprijedim i upotpunim svoj stil. 
Thanks to a new hobby, I met a lot of different, new cultures and styles. I constantly explore what's new in the world of fashion and have a desire to improve and complete my style.
3. What things inspire you to write a new post?

S obzirom da se većina mojih postova bazira na ili modi ili make up-u, objavljujem ono što mi se u trenutku svidi iz mog ormana. Ponekad ideju o nekom outfitu preuzmem od nekog bloggera kog pratim ali rijetko :D Ja sam Inspiracija sama sebi, bar za sada...
Since most of my posts is based on or fashion or make-up, publish what I like at the moment out of my closet. Sometimes the idea of an outfit take from a blogger whom I follow but rarely: D I am an inspiration to myself, at least for now ...

4.If you had a wish, what would it be?

Moja jedina i prava želja je da budem sretna. Da se ja osjećam ispunjeno i zadovoljno šta god da  radim. Da ništa ne moram raditi na silu i protiv moje volje.
My one true wish is to be happy. That make me feel fulfilled and satisfied with whatever I'm doing. That not have to do anything by force and against my will.

5. If you could live in any city in the world where would you choose?

Grad u kojem trenutno živim je savršen i nemam tendencije da selim u skorije vrijeme. Ali ako bih birala drugi grad, to bi definitivno bio Pozzallo. To je jedan manji gradić na Siciliji koji me oduševljava. 
The city where I live is perfect and I have no tendency to move out in the near future. But if I had to choose another city, it would definitely be Pozzallo. It is a small town in Sicily, which thrills me.

6.What place in the world would you like to visit and why?

Pih, postoji baš dosta mijesta koje bi voljela posjetiti. Ali ako moram da izaberem jedno mjesto, to su definitivno Maldivi. Daaaa... Plaža, more i uživancija :D Uf, kao što znate obožavam sunce, D vitamina nikada dosta :P Maldivi vidimo se kad-tad.
Bah, there is not a lot of places that would love to visit. But if I had to pick one place, it's definitely the Maldives. Yesss ... The beach, the sea and just enjoy: D Phew, as you know I love the sun, vitamin D is never enough: P Maldives see you sooner or later.

7. Who is your favourite artist?

Pošto riječ umjetnik ima širok domen, ja sam izabrala glumu i Julianne Moore. To je žena koja me oduševljava, kako glumačkim sposobnostima tako i svojim izgledom. Mislim da ne postoji film u kojem ona glumi a da ga ja ne volim. 
Since word artist has a wide domain, I chose acting and Julianne Moore. This is a woman who impresses me, as acting ability, as well as its appearance. I'm sure there is no movie in which she plays and that I do not like.

8.How would you describe your style?

Pa, iskreno rečeno ja nemam neki određen stil. Šta ću obući zavisi od toga kako sam raspoložena taj dan. Tako da postoje dani kada ću se obući kao panker a opet ima dana kada sam prava dama ;) :P
Well, frankly I do not have a definite style. What shall I wear depends on how I'm in the mood that day. So there are days when I'll dress like a punk and yet there are days when I was a true lady;): P

9. Choose a basic piece on your closet that you can't miss.

Kožna jakna je komad odjeće koji po meni ide uz sve. Ja je obožavam kombinovati i sa štiklama ali i sa konvers patikama. 
Leather jacket is a piece of clothing which in my opinion goes with everything. I love it combined with high heels or with converse sneakers.

10. Choose 3 must have items you were on your bag or that you use on your daily life.

Labelo, vlažne maramice i telefon. Možde jeste kliše, ali ja bez telefona kao bez glave, bukvalno. Vlažne maramice mi uvijek trebaju, jer sam najsmotanije biće na svijetu i uvijek se nekako zamažem i isprljam. A labelo kao labelo, svaka žena ga ima u torbi, to je pod moranje. 
Lip balm, wet wipes and phone. Maybe it is a cliche, but I do without the phone as without a head, literally. Wet wipes I always need, because I'm clumsiest creature in the world and always managed to amaze and spoil something. A lip balm as lip balm, every woman has it in the bag, that's must have.

11. What makes you happy?

Mene u većini slučajeva najsrećnijom čine male stvari, poput sunčanog dana ili neke blesave stvari koju moj momak uradi ili kaže, šetnja kroz prirodu itd. Ali isto tako me sretnom čini i poruka koja mi javi da je plata stigla. :P :P 
Me in most cases make the happiest little things, like a sunny day, or some silly thing that my boyfriend do or say, nature walks and so on. But also makes me happy and messages that let me know that the wages received. :P :P

Nominovani/ Nominated:

1. What made you want to start a blog?
2.Which blogger is your biggest idol?
3.What's the perfect job for you?
4.If someone says to choose between heels and bag, what would it be?
5.What do you first do when you get up in the morning?
6.What's your most interesting folklore?
7.What place in the world would you like to visit and why?
8.What is your favorite fashion store?
9.What is your favorite quote and for what reason?
10. How would you describe your style?
11.How would you describe yourself using one word?

12. 4. 2015.



#1 Zalazak sunca u mom kraju, savršeno :)                   
#2 Sangrija-savršen okus, slavilo se malo...
#1 Sunset in my neighborhood, perfect :)              
#2 Sangrija-perfect taste, we celebrated a little...


#3 Kristalna činija sa žitom,mmmmmm    
#4 Sauna, otkrila sam da nisam neki sauna tip osobe :( :D              
#3 Crystal bowl with wheat grains
#4 Sauna, I discovered that I am not a sauna type of person :( :D



 #5 Danas je Vaskrs. Cezar salata i kuhana jaja. Sretan Vaskrs                                      
#6 Proljeće je konačno stiglo,sunce i Vrbas = savršena kombinacija
#5 Today is Easter. Caesar salad and boiled eggs. Happy Easter        
#6 Spring has finally arrived, the sun and Vrbas = perfect combination

Pošto sam ja osoba koja obožava da fotografiše svaki trenutak koji se učini zanimljivim, odlučila sam da sa vama podijelim par zanimljivih trenutaka iz prethodne sedmice. Danas je Vaskrs i uživam u hrani cijeli dan, a već od sutra vraćam se na stari režim redukovane iskrane :D. Za one koji slave Vaskrs, sve najbolje pusa :*

Since I am a person who loves to photograph every moment that is interesting to me, I decided to share with you a couple of interesting moments from the previous week. Today is Easter and I enjoy the food all day, but tomorrow I'm back to the old regime reduced food :D. For those who celebrate Easter, all the best kiss: *

7. 4. 2015.


 Jeans: G-STAR RAW Here;  shoes:RETRO SHOES; Top: ZARA; Coat: C&M Here

Još jedan kišan dan...Ufff, mrzim kišu, ja sam ljetna osoba. Šorc, top i japanke, da to je moja odjeća iz snova. Pretpostavljam da će se većina vas složiti. :P Razmišljala sam se duže vremena, da li da objavim ovaj shooting ili ne, jer mi je osvjetljenje djelovalo loše. Snimljen je nabrzinu jer se kombinacija, koju sam slučajno obukla, jako svidjela mojoj sestri. Uživajte, nadam se da će ovo tmurno vrijeme uskoro da zamijeni sunčan dan. pozzz

Another rainy day ... Ufff, I hate the rain. I'm a summer person. Shorts, top and flip-flops, my dream clothes. I guess, most of you will agree with me. :P I hesitated for a long time, whether to publish this shooting or not, because I don't like the brigtness on photos. Photographing was hastily, because my sister liked combination. Enjoy, I hope that this bad weather soon will replace sunny day. Bye-Bye :*