28. 6. 2015.

Summer is here

Žao mi je zbog lošeg abdejta ali imala sam dosta obaveza ovih dana. Ljeto je tuuu... Nema sretnije osobe od mene. Jedna super stvar koju sam otkrila na netu i kojom sam oduševljena je ova super cool teglica. Naravno, nije poenta u samoj teglici, nego u onome što je u njoj :D. Voda sa ledom u ove tople ljetne dane može biti samo savršenija ako joj dodate voće. Ja sam stavila dinju, kivi i banane, često kombinujem i sa lubenicom. Kakva osvježenja vi koristite ovih dana?  Love Di

I'm sorry for the bad updates, but I had a lot of commitments these days. Summer is here ... There are no happier person than I am. One cool thing I found on the net and that I am thrilled, this super cool jar. Of course, the point is not in the jar, but in what is in it :D. Water with ice in the warm summer days can only be more perfect if you add fruit. I put the melon, kiwi and bananas, and often combine with watermelon. What kind of refreshments you are using these days? Love Di

21. 6. 2015.


dress: H&M; sneakers: H&M; bracelats: MANGO (old ones)

A little more ordinary and simple outfit. They are taken a few weeks ago, but never got to release it ...

17. 6. 2015.


Savršeno vrijeme, savršen izlet i savršen grad. Sarajevo :D Moja sestra je oduvijek veliki fan Sarajeva, a ja ga nikada nisam posjetila hahaha... Tako da je bilo vrijeme da ga upoznam. Jedan dan je definitivno premalo da se ovaj grad obiđe. Mi smo obišle samo osnove. Baščaršiju, Miljacku, muzej i naravno par tržnih centara. Turska kafa sa ćeifom, sarajevski ćevapi i naravno sladoled za kraj, mmmmmmm. Žao mi je samo što slike ne mogu dočarati ugođaj. Sarajevo vidimo se opet sigurno. Love Di

Perfect weather, perfect trip and a perfect city. Sarajevo :D My sister has always been a big fan of Sarajevo, and I've never visited it, hahaha ... So it was time to finally visit Sarajevo. One day is definitely not enough to go around this city. We visited just the basics. Bascarsija, Miljacka, the museum and of course a couple of shopping centers. Turkish coffee with Gusto, Sarajevo kebabs and of course ice cream for the end, mmmmmmm. I am only sorry that the images do not evoke the atmosphere. Sarajevo see you again for sure. Love Di

11. 6. 2015.

Mint detail's

shoes: RETRO SHOES; pants: MANGO; shirt: OVS; Sunngases: TALLYWAIL; earrings: LADY NAKIT; 

Sunceeee!!! Ne znam da li postoji neko sretniji od mene, zbog ovako lijepog vremena. Kako vam se sviđaju moje nove sandale, u početku me nisu oduševile ali sada ih obožavam <3 ... Ne znam zašto, ali ovog ljeta mi je Mint boja omiljena :D  Pusa Di

The suuuun!!! I do not know whether there is any happier than I am, because of this nice weather. How do you like my new shoes, at first I was not thrilled, but now I love them <3 ... I do not know why, but this summer my favorite color is Mint: D Kisses Di

7. 6. 2015.

Diet schedule

Slike iznad su samo nekih od jela na ovom Meni-u, prepoznaćete o kojima se radi kada isčitate meni. Svaka 4 dana mijenjam Meni i sebi osmislim novi, da mi dijeta ne bude dosadna i monotona. Ako bude zainteresovanih koji bi željeli pratiti smnom ovaj program, ja ću objaviti još par sličnih prijedloga. nteresuju me vaši komentari, kako vam se čini. 

PS... 4-ta sedmica 4kg manje jeeeeeeii 
Love Di <3

Pictures above are just some of the meals on the menu, you'll recognize which are when you read a menu. Every 4 days I'm changing menu, and come up with new, so diet is not boring and monotonous. If there are interested who would like to follow with me this program, I will publish a few similar munu's. How do you like it?

PS ... 4th week - 4kg less Yeeeeaaah :)
Love Di <3

5. 6. 2015.

My diet....

Nakon par kako i na koji način, shvatila sam da se u mom nećkanju stanje sa povećanom težinom pogoršava i morala sam da reagujem odmah. Napravila sam sebi program, koga sam se pridržavala i koga ću se pridržavati još neki period, dok ne postignem svoj cilj. Ako želite novi post u kom ću navesti par svojih dana sa menijem koga sam se pridržavala i pomoću koga sam izgubila 3kg za tri sedmice, pišite :D :D Love Di :*

After a couple of how and in which way, I realized that in my reluctance situation worsens with increased weight and I had to react immediately. I made myself a program, whom I have complied and will comply with whom another period, until I achieve my goal. If you want a new post in which I will mention a couple of my days with menu which I adhere and by which I lost 3kg in three weeks, write :D :D Love Di :*